Cold weather have you in a running rut? If you are like me, I use to avoid running outside at all costs during the colder months but at the same time I could not manage a good run on a treadmill either. So, this year I buckled down, invested in some quality outdoor gear and hit the ground running.....What keeps me going when the weather dips into the 20s, through snow and a little wind? These are my favorites so far:
I love these gloves so much that I use them as my normal everyday winter gloves too. They definitely keep my fingers nice and warm even on the coldest of days.
Since most of your body heat can escape through your head, it is essential to keep your head covered in colder weather. This beanie will not disappoint and the ponytail holder in the back is an added bonus.
I tried on several brands of tights when purchasing cold weather gear and these have not been a disappointment. These were by far the most comfortable tights I found and I love the color variety!
These are my favorite base layer tees for winter running, especially if the weather is primarily in the 20s and 30s. I love the thumbholes too.
During the coldest of days, including snow and wind, these compression mocks keep me warm and dry. They also come in handy for other outdoor adventures during the colder months.
This is my new favorite running shirt. I have it in several colors and love using it as a jacket over my base layer or when running errands or heading to the gym. It is super comfortable, keeps me warm and dry and stylish all around.
Yes, your toes need to be warm & dry when running too! These smart wool socks are my favorites and I am a very picky person when it comes to socks (I rarely wear them).
It never fails but every year I buy these shoes in the latest style. I have found these to be the lightest and most comfortable shoes.
What winter running gear do you turn too to keep you going during the colder months?